There’s no shortage of freight brokers waiting to serve you. Following are 7 reasons to choose Bulk Connection (we can think of more).
Since 1987, we have built an extensive network of qualified, over-the-road carriers. This includes the largest network of bulk freight carriers in North America.
Response to rate requests are often immediate, but certainly within an hour. Our system matches your requirements with the routing, schedules and equipment of our carrier partners.
We are not a freight factory. What sets us apart – and what you won’t find with typical freight brokers – is a high degree of personal attention and expert advice offered by experienced freight specialists.
Bulk Connection gives you on-demand access to carriers who are pre-qualified on 67 indicators, including D.O.T. safety rating, insurance level, accident-per-mile ratio, and on-time performance.
Our freight specialists average 20 years in the business, so you deal with experts, not order takers, who can advise you on the best shipping methods.
Let’s face it. Stuff happens out on the road. We tell it like it is – good news or bad. And you’ll know as soon as we know so, together, we can plan alternatives.
In a bind and need capacity? You can request an immediate quote or complete the form to start a conversation.
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